Journal Articles

Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. 2019. A Turn to Violence: The Escalation of Nonviolent Movements. Journal of Conflict Research. Online First: 1-26.
Replication Data + Online Appendix
Replication Data + Online Appendix

Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. 2019. Transforming Quantitative Datasets Using Principles of Research Design: Finding a Way to Distinguish Between Domestic and Transnational Terror Attacks. Sage Research Methods.

Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. 2017. Lasting Peace or Temporary Calm? Rebel Group Decapitation and Civil War Outcomes. Conflict Management and Peace Science. Online First: 1-21.
Replication Data + Online Appendix
Replication Data + Online Appendix

Ryckman, Kirssa Cline and Jessica Maves Brathwaite. 2017. Changing Horses in Midstream: Leadership Changes and the Civil War Peace Process. Conflict Management and Peace Science. Online First: 1-23.
Replication Data
Replication Data

Ryckman, Kirssa Cline and Mike Ryckman. 2017. All Politics is Local: The Domestic Agenda of Terror Groups and the Study of Transnational Attacks. Journal of Global Security Studies. 2(1): 55-73.
Replication Data
Replication Data

Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. 2016. Ratification as Accommodation? Domestic dissent and human rights treaties. Journal of Peace Research. 53(4): 582-596.
Replication Data
Supplemental Material
Replication Data
Supplemental Material
Other Publications
Braithwaite, Jessica Maves, Jennifer Earl, and Kirssa Cline Ryckman. 2020. “Why the Generals Should still be Worried.” Political Violence at a Glance, available at: Published June 26, 2020.
Ryckman, Kirssa Cline, Jennifer Earl, and Jessica Maves Braithwaite. 2020. “Teach police nonviolence.” Published with a creative commons license on The Conversation, available at: Published June 24, 2020.
Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. 2012. Repression and the Civil War Life Cycle: Explaining the Use and Effect of Repression Before, During and After Civil War. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Arizona.
Cline, Kirssa, et al. 2011. Identifying Regional Powers and Their Status. In Major Powers and the Quest for Status in International Politics, edited by Thomas J. Volgy, Renato Corbetta, Keith A. Grant, and Ryan G. Baird, 133-57. Palgrave MacMIllan: New York.
Ryckman, Kirssa Cline, Jennifer Earl, and Jessica Maves Braithwaite. 2020. “Teach police nonviolence.” Published with a creative commons license on The Conversation, available at: Published June 24, 2020.
Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. 2012. Repression and the Civil War Life Cycle: Explaining the Use and Effect of Repression Before, During and After Civil War. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Arizona.
Cline, Kirssa, et al. 2011. Identifying Regional Powers and Their Status. In Major Powers and the Quest for Status in International Politics, edited by Thomas J. Volgy, Renato Corbetta, Keith A. Grant, and Ryan G. Baird, 133-57. Palgrave MacMIllan: New York.
Working Papers
"When Civil Resistance Fails: Deflated, Defeated, and Violent Movements"
“Diminishing Returns? Tactical Advantage and Publicity in the Use of Female Suicide Bombers,” with Alexis Henshaw
"Going Global: Transnational Terrorism in the Context of Civil War"
"Guns, Butter, and Civil War: The Salience of National Security in Conflict Zones"
“Diminishing Returns? Tactical Advantage and Publicity in the Use of Female Suicide Bombers,” with Alexis Henshaw
"Going Global: Transnational Terrorism in the Context of Civil War"
"Guns, Butter, and Civil War: The Salience of National Security in Conflict Zones"